Monday, August 30, 2010

Writer's Notebook

As I recently started my fall semester in my graduate program, I've returned to an old love of mine. Writing.

I have definitely neglected this part of my life for quite some time, and although I love to do it, and love the feeling of creating words and meaning, I just haven't found time to get it done. I am horrible at journal writing, horrible at blogging, and just a procrastinator by nature. I don't know why, but one class of mine seems to have broken that habit.

Maybe it's because she's forcing me, but I have consistently over the last week been writing in my "writer's notebook." It's nothing fancy, but I've been asked to keep one as this might be something that I use in my future classroom. We are supposed to write for at least 10 minutes, 5 days a week for the full 15 weeks of class. This probably seemed daunting to most of my fellow students, but to me, it was a challenge that I embraced. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought some little journals I could carry with me and I copied my entry from class that day onto the pages.

I missed two days this week, which is all I can miss according to the syllabus, and I've felt great. I really do miss writing. I miss reading too and journeying through those wonderful worlds that I create in my head. I must sound so hippie right now...but oh well. I have realized that there are enough hours in the day, and that I do have enough time to do the things I want to, I just need to prioritize.

I now need to find more time for scripture study, for prayer, for talking on the phone with my husband when we're apart, and for contemplating. I have found those extra 10 minutes a day to write and to enjoy it. Maybe little by little I'll find the time.

Who would have thought that this inspiration would come from a class? The only thing I wish is that it wasn't forced...but maybe that's just what I needed. ;)

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