Not so new anymore I guess. After more than six months of marriage, it doesn't feel very new, but many who have been married for longer might argue with that. I'm still deeply in love. I was watching a movie today and all of a sudden really missed Jon. He was just upstairs doing homework, yet I had this overwhelming desire for him to be with me watching the movie. I love that feeling, and I love my husband. And here is our first family picture!
So enough of that. Recently Jon and I got a dog. He is a Shih Tzu and really adorable. His name is Bing, which means 'soldier' in Chinese. He is around 3 months old now, so still a puppy, and still always getting in trouble. He and Jon both try my patience, but like Jon, he's hard not to love. He's basically just a little furball. We took some pictures of him so that you all can see him.
And here is a picture of Jon holding him. He at least is manageable in the regard that we can just pick him up if he's doing something we don't want.