Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was very fun for our family! We slept in, and then went grocery shopping and finally got dressed in costumes, as you can see above. We then went to Katie's house to decorate cookies! Here are some pictures of the cookies we decorated with our friends.

Jon, the Ninja, icing his cookie with his sword. Nice!

My failed attempt at cookie decorating...
The group together in costume!

We actually bought Bing a costume, it was his first Halloween and he looked so cute. Of course, he probably didn't like it but he looked adorable. Here are some more pictures of Bing,
"My Little Devil!"

Bing in his costume...he was angry enough at me that at times he really looked the part!

And here is Bing with his favorite Aunt Tabi!

Happy Halloween everyone! We hope everyone had an excellent day!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fort Collins Blizzard

Here in Fort Collins a couple days ago, we had a huge snowstorm. They ended up closing the public schools around here and CSU eventually closed as well. Of course Center Partner's stayed open, but that's to be expected. :) Really it wasn't too awful, it was actually really awesome and pretty, just the driving was a little precarious for a few days, but by Monday it was all melted! At least Bing got to play in it before it melted away. I took some pictures of him and me in the snow before I had to go to work. He got really cold and snowy!

And here is one of me and Bing. My dog is adorable!
It took a while for me to get those huge snow clumps off my dog. Lots of fun in the bathtub with my hairdryer.

It was a pretty crazy and fun snow storm. My car was covered, and by the time it was all over and the car was dusted off it had what Jon called, "MC Hammer Hair." Awesome.
We really enjoyed our little piece of Winter. Now back to Autumn!