Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Nephew Colby is One!


A few weeks ago, all my sisters and I were able to get together at my parents house in Grand Junction for an early Thanksgiving and to celebrate Colby's First Birthday. I decided not to post about it till today, since today Colby's official birthday is November 28th. We had a lot of fun with his birthday party, and Colby got lots of fun presents.

I like this last one. The hat I made was too small, so I made him another one, but he looks like "Waldo" in this picture. So cute!

After presents we had to take family pictures! Colby didn't like those as much, he was kind of grumpy. I think a new place, and poor quality naps didn't help. Here are a few pictures of us enjoying the company of this adorable little boy. I can't wait to see him again!

Us with Grammy

And just a few more reasons why we love this kid!
Hapy Birthday to our favorite Nephew!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bing's First Birthday!

Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday dear Bing Pup! Happy Birthday to YOU!
Bing had his 1st birthday on Sunday! So we got him a "cake" and some presents. Above you can see how excited he was for the "cake."

He doesn't like fire though...

Mmmmmm cake!

Then Bing got lots of presents from his Baba and Mama as well as Aunt Tabi!
Mmmm treats!
and a new stuffed animal!

Happy Birthday Bing!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was very fun for our family! We slept in, and then went grocery shopping and finally got dressed in costumes, as you can see above. We then went to Katie's house to decorate cookies! Here are some pictures of the cookies we decorated with our friends.

Jon, the Ninja, icing his cookie with his sword. Nice!

My failed attempt at cookie decorating...
The group together in costume!

We actually bought Bing a costume, it was his first Halloween and he looked so cute. Of course, he probably didn't like it but he looked adorable. Here are some more pictures of Bing,
"My Little Devil!"

Bing in his costume...he was angry enough at me that at times he really looked the part!

And here is Bing with his favorite Aunt Tabi!

Happy Halloween everyone! We hope everyone had an excellent day!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fort Collins Blizzard

Here in Fort Collins a couple days ago, we had a huge snowstorm. They ended up closing the public schools around here and CSU eventually closed as well. Of course Center Partner's stayed open, but that's to be expected. :) Really it wasn't too awful, it was actually really awesome and pretty, just the driving was a little precarious for a few days, but by Monday it was all melted! At least Bing got to play in it before it melted away. I took some pictures of him and me in the snow before I had to go to work. He got really cold and snowy!

And here is one of me and Bing. My dog is adorable!
It took a while for me to get those huge snow clumps off my dog. Lots of fun in the bathtub with my hairdryer.

It was a pretty crazy and fun snow storm. My car was covered, and by the time it was all over and the car was dusted off it had what Jon called, "MC Hammer Hair." Awesome.
We really enjoyed our little piece of Winter. Now back to Autumn!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Birthday Visit

Last weekend my parents came out for my birthday. They spent a few days with me and Jonathan and then went out to Minnesota to visit Courtney Mark and Colby. It was so good to see them. We had a lot of fun. We got to go out to the Cracker Barrel for my birthday that Saturday, even though it was a week after my actual birthday. It was great! I love that place. Then we had church on Sunday and had Pacita and her kids over for dinner. Monday was by far the best. I had off work because they were going to be here and so we went on a drive up Poudre Canyon in the morning, had a wonderful hike on the way back down, then had lunch at Vern's in LaPorte, and then picked raspberries on a local small fruit farm. It was so much fun. Bing came with us, and while he enjoyed the hiking part, he didn't like having to stay in the car for some or our adventures. Here are a few photos I took on the hike and while driving back down the canyon. My mom has a ton more, but they are on her camera. I'll try and post them if I ever get them from her.

Below are the nature shots!

And one last picture of Bing for his avid fans!

Thanks mom and dad for coming to visit. We loved having you!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bing's New Haircut and My Birthday!

So I don't post very often, especially about my dog, but the other day I took him to be groomed, instead of what we normally do, just use our trimmer to give him a horrible hair cut that eventually grows out and looks halfway decent. I thought, since it was so hot out and he needed his hair cut, that we'd get it cut really short, and he'd actually look like a Shih Tzu. Here are some before and after pictures. :) Enjoy!

His hair, as you can see, is super long in these pictures. They were taken 2 days before his hair cut. You can't even see his eyes which was my problem with it, and he couldn't see where he was going, which is something we like to laugh about. After his haircut, Jon and I both thought he looked ridiculous, but I have some pictures taken a week later, and it had grown out a little so he didn't have that "just got my hair cut" look.

A very handsome dog I think. I never wanted a dog that I had to groom, but if I have to have one, then I'm not going to let him look like a scoundrel. :) As for my birthday, it was pretty uneventful. Jon had class all day, and so Tabi came over for breakfast, and then Jon and I opened presents during the half hour he had away from school. I had lunch with my friend Pacita after that, and then I made mini cupcakes and took them to work. It was a pretty good day all in all. Here are some pictures of my presents. Thank you Jon, Tabi, Grandpa, and Mom and Dad for the presents.

And this last one is of me and my puppy on my birthday! Love him!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Our WWE RAW Anniversary...

As most of those who read this blog already know, my first anniversary with my wonderful husband Jon was on August 8th, 2009. About a week before Jon asked me if I wanted to do something Romantic or Adventurous. I of course chose romantic, but Jon didn't really have anything in mind for romantic. He had his heart set on the adventure he was determined we would have. So we decided, Friday night romance, and Saturday adventure.

Well Friday night, we went out to eat at The Olive Garden, and then set off for a play at The Lincoln Center. In celebration of the "Paper Anniversary," here are our Tickets to "The Lady Pirates of Captain Bree."
As you can see clearly on the tickets, our show started at 7:00pm. But Jon mixed up the times for that and our Saturday Adventure, and we ended up arriving a half hour late :(

Fortunately, there was a showing on Saturday afternoon, at 2:00pm. We ended up switching our our now useless tickets for these. (The beginning of Saturday's adventure!)
We went to Lunch at the Taj Mahal Restaurant in Fort Collins, were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the Indian food there (It was a buffet, with some very tasty and interesting dishes; definitely adventurous), and then went home for a power nap and cake eating.
Did I say "cake eating?"

Yes I did. We froze our wedding cake from exactly one year ago, and ate it on our anniversary. It was surprisingly good, and we ate a lot of it. At first when I looked at it I freaked out, mostly because Jon had said "Oh my gosh it's molded!" Then he had a laugh at my expense by reminding me that we had green frosting on our cake, and that the cake can't have molded as it's been in the freezer for the past year. Mmmm Carrot Cake!

The conclusion of our "Adventurous Saturday" ended at the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland where we actually witnessed a live showing of WWE RAW. I am not joking, and I have pictures as proof. It was almost hailing when we arrived and Jon finally showed me what we were doing. (notice the ticket again, honoring the "Paper Anniversary.")

And now for some pictures of the live action!

And a few avid fans!
And last but not least...

Nachooooooooooo! (Or some other Luchador)

After our Adventure at WWE RAW, we were too tired to do Jon's other activity, which would be to go to Hooters... So we left the day at that. Maybe not what I would have planned to do for our first anniversary, but the time I got to spend with my husband was awesome.
I love you Jon.
Happy Anniversary Babe! And here's to many many more to come!